Our Mission

The purpose of the College Satire Guild is to foster creative expression, critical thinking, and community engagement through satirical journalism. We collaborate with various college organizations to produce and distribute satirical publications, enhancing students' educational experiences and civic awareness.

Our Achievements

  • Successfully published nine independent, national issues
  • Directly involved over twenty college-aged staff members in editorial, writing, and production processes
  • Connected over thirteen college satire organizations, resulting in over half a dozen collaborative publications

Our Impact

Through our own experience in satirical writing, we know that this offers students a unique opportunity to not only develop their own writing and research skills, but offer a unique political and cultural commentary not only on local but national issues as well. This encourages organization members to improve their own critical thinking skills, engaging in meaningful discussions about important issues.

Group Membership

The College Satire Guild welcomes membership applications from college satire organizations. By joining our guild, your organization can:

  • Connect with other college satire publications across the country
  • Share resources and best practices for satirical journalism
  • Participate in collaborative projects and events
  • Gain exposure to a wider audience through our network

Contact Us

For more information about the College Satire Guild or to get involved, please contact us at info@satireguild.com